Do you have old yearbooks? Cullman High School in need of help

Bearcat Alumni and Families… we are so close to completing the inventory of CHS yearbooks. Through research and help from the community we have either recovered the yearbook or identified the years never published. Since 1908 we are only missing, or unsure of publication for, the following years; 1914, 16, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, and 47.
If you have any knowledge these years exist please let us know, it would be extremely helpful. If you, or any family, posses one of these missing yearbooks and would be willing to donate or house it in the Legacy Room at CHS we would be honored. We are also interested in old pictures and/or other school memorabilia from the past school years.
Please email Aaron Sparks at [email protected] if you have any information or would like to know more about the history of CHS. Our goal is to learn as much of our history as possible and preserve as many artifacts as we can for future Bearcats.
From Cullman High School
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307 2nd Ave NW, Cullman, AL 35055
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