The Warrior Way Market hosts a market every month in the town of West Point. The market brings in small businesses and food trucks from around the area and gives them a chance to promote their products and services. The proceeds from each event (vendor fees and raffles) goes into the Warrior Way Scholarship fund
The scholarship information can be found on the Facebook page (Warrior Way Market) or on the website at warriorwaymarket.com. The scholarship will be awarded to a West Point Senior at the April event.
The Warrior Way Market hosts a market every month in the town of West Point. The market brings in small businesses and food trucks from around the area and gives them a chance to promote their products and services. The proceeds from each event (vendor fees and raffles) go into the Warrior Way Scholarship fund.
The next market will be held at the West Point High School Gym (old gym) on December 11th from 9-4. Jesse Priest will be performing live from 11-1 then Santa will make his appearance from 1-4 for free pictures.
The raffles include items from each vendor and tickets will be sold for $1 each or $5 for 10 tickets. There will also be a raffle for an Apple TV. Tickets are $5 each.
If you are looking to become a vendor or needing more information, please contact The Warrior Way Market on Facebook.