Don’t Be A Traffic Grinch This Holiday Season..or Any Other Time
Don’t Be A Traffic Grinch This Holiday Season..or Any Other Time
If you have stopped at 2nd Avenue and 4th Street Southwest you know how bad traffic can build up if you are traveling across Highway 31. Motorists heading north end up blocking cross traffic heading east and west. Motorist who become impatient waiting on a second chance at the light decide to just make a u-turn and take another route which can be dangerous for vehicles turning onto 4th Street heading east or west.
In the afternoons when traffic is at its worst the vehicles lineup almost all the way to 1st Avenue Southwest. With some of those vehicles not making it to the light until the second or third change of the light because of the way cars block traffic. The Cullman Police Department made a statement on their Facebook page in 2017 to remind motorists that it is a traffic violation to block the intersection.
The Cullman Police Department had this to say about this intersection,”We have received multiple complaints about motorists blocking the intersection of 2nd Avenue SW and 4th Street SW, by Cullman Savings Bank. This is a misdemeanor traffic offense that is subject to fine. If there is not sufficient space for a driver to completely clear the intersection, the driver must remain behind the stop bar and not cross the intersection until sufficient space is available, even if the traffic signal is green at the time.”
According to the AL Code section 32-5A-61: “No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk or drive onto any railroad grade crossing unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection, crosswalk, or railroad grade crossing to accommodate the vehicle he or she is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles, pedestrians, or railroad trains notwithstanding any traffic-control signal indication to proceed.”
Open letter from Don at Don Talk on MCTV channel 180.
We talk about traffic and other community issues every Monday and Friday on Don Talk Live at 10am on channel 180 and Facebook.